Friday, June 22, 2007

all comes down

this month june,which also happens to be my birthmonth, is officially the worst month for me this yr! so many bad experiences that makes me wonder wat i've done wrong. presently, i feel so weightless! seems like all the things that made me stick up or happy, is just fading away b4 my eyes. i cant wait 4 the turn around of current situations.


Ehon said...

a bend at the end of the road doesn't mean that it's the end of the road. :)

emmanuel said...

thx man!oh yea thx 4 droping by also.

CypheR said...

Yo, thanks for the comments on my blog, sorry to hear about all the break-ins..happenes to anyone recently, police are just scratching their balls in the office. Hope youre luck takes a turn for the better. cheers.

emmanuel said...

cypher:thx man 4 dropping by.